Shoreline Adult Soccer League, Inc.

* cool places, hot links *


Connecticut Soccer Links


* Connecticut Soccer Contacts *

Connecticut Soccer Contacts -- Men, women, co-ed, under 30, over 30, over 40, over 50... Are you a player looking for a team to play on? Indoor, outdoor... Are you a club looking for a league to play in? Do you want to referee, get qualified, etc.? Do you want to coach youth soccer? Need to know more about soccer in Connecticut? Need help? Click the link!

* Connecticut Referee Program *

Connecticut State Referee Program

Connecticut State Soccer Association

* USSF / US Soccer *

Official U.S. Soccer Sites:


* USSF / US Soccer * 

United States Soccer Federation (U.S.S.F.), commonly referred to as U.S. Soccer

* USASA * 

United States Adult Soccer Association (U.S.A.S.A.)

USASA Region 1

U.S.A.S.A. Region I (northeast U.S.) * US Soccer Regions *

USASA Region 2

U.S.A.S.A. Region II (midwest U.S.)

USASA Region 3

U.S.A.S.A. Region III (south U.S.)

USASA Region 4

U.S.A.S.A. Region IV (west U.S.)

 * US Officials *

U.S. Officials

* National Soccer Hall of Fame *

National Soccer Hall of Fame (N.S.H.O.F.)

 * Sams Army *

Sam's Army U.S.A. Soccer on the Net -- The Unofficial Fan Club of U.S. Soccer

* Major League Soccer *

Major League Soccer (M.L.S.)

 USASA Region 1

Region I (Northeast U.S.) State Associations:


* CJSA *

Connecticut Junior Soccer Association (CJ.S.A.)

Connecticut State Soccer Association (C.S.S.A.)

* NHSA *

New Hampshire Soccer Association (N.H.S.A.)

* NJSA *

New Jersey Soccer Association (N.J.S.A.)

* MSSA *

Maryland State Soccer Association (M.S.S.A.)

* MASS *

Massachusetts Amateur State Soccer (M.A.S.S.)


Metropolitan D.C.-Virginia Soccer Association, Inc. (M.D.C.V.S.A.)

* PWSA *

Pennsylvania West Soccer Association (P.W.S.A.)

* RISA *

Rhode Island Soccer Association (R.I.S.A.)

 USASA Region 1

Northeastern U.S. Adult Leagues:


* Central Massachusetts Over-35 SA *

Central Massachusetts Over 35 Soccer Association

* Connecticut Soccer Contacts *

Connecticut Soccer Leagues and Clubs -- for a variety of men's and women's Open, Over-30, Over-40 and Over-50 soccer leagues and clubs

* CSL *

Cosmopolitan Soccer League -- New York City metropolitan area

* GSSL *

Garden State Soccer League -- New Jersey

 * Mercer County Amateur Masters Soccer League *

Mercer County Amateur Masters Soccer League -- New Jersey

* New England Over The Hill Soccer League *

New England Over The Hill Soccer League -- Boston Area

 * NJSL On-line *

North Jersey Soccer League
    Tri-County Soccer League -- Central New Jersey

* fifa *

Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA):


* International Football Hall of Champions *

The International Football Hall of Champions

* Football Confederation * * CONCACAF *

The Football Confederation (formerly C.O.N.C.A.C.A.F. prior to December 1999)
Confederation of North, Central and Caribbean Association Football (C.O.N.C.A.C.A.F. - "kon ka kaff")

* UEFA *

Union of European Football Associations (U.E.F.A.) - "you hey fah"


Confederacion Sudamericana de Futbol (C.O.N.M.E.B.O.L.) - "kon me bol"

* CAF *

Confederation Africaine de Football (C.A.F.)

* AFC *

Asian Football Confederation (A.F.C.)

* OFC *

Oceania Football Confederation (O.F.C.)

 * RSSSF *

Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation (R.S.S.S.F.)

and the
R.S.S.S.F. Archive -- Highly Recommended!

* That Word *

That word 'soccer' by Garry Archer

* Ancient Origins of The Game *

Ancient Origins of The Game by Garry Archer

* Ancient Origins of The Game *

Modern Origins of The Game by Garry Archer
  Please note: The R.S.S.S.F. links were apparently broken for a long time after the Foundation moved to a new server. I have updated the links, so if you could not access these links before, please try again (try refreshing your Web browser)

Miscellaneous Links

* *

Disney World Tournaments in Florida / Soccer