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Subject: [SASL e-list] SASL Over-50 League.
Date: Sat, 23 Oct 2004 23:41:59 -0400
From: Garry Archer <g dot archer at att dot net>
To: SASL E-mail at TOPICA <saslsoccer at topica dot com>

Shoreline Adult Soccer League, Inc. e-mail list; informational only.

Hello All,

Following on from
my appeal for new teams to join the SASL Masters League (Over-40s), I must also ask the same of new teams and players considering playing at the Over-50 level.

I have already received interest from one team seriously considering entering as an Over-50 team. As I currently understand it, they will not mind playing in the Over-40 Masters League until other Over-50 teams come on board.

It would be great to have at least three more Over-50 teams to get a proper Over-50 League started. That's all it takes to get the ball rolling, just four teams, and it all grows from there -- just like the Over-30s did in the early 1980s and the Masters League did in the early 2000s.

It's bound to happen sooner or later, none of us are getting any younger! We already have a lot of Over-50 players in the Masters League. Just about every team has one or two (or more!).

If we have to, we may have to place new Over-50 teams into the Masters League until more Over-50 teams come on board. At least those Over-50 teams would be playing (and could legally play with Over-40 players on their roster until the Over-50 League is officially formed) rather than keep waiting and waiting.

If your team has been considering the transition, please contact me and let me know how possible it may be for your team to enter.

All new teams -- I very strongly urge you to send in formal applications as soon as possible.
Application forms are on the SASL Website Downloads page. Use the Over-40 form for now, there isn't one for Over-50s yet (darn, another "todo!")

If you have questions regarding the application or any fees, etc., please contact the SASL League Secretary, Dave Carmody (

- Garry Archer (SASL Executive Board)